Top Reasons Why Your QR Code is Not Working & How to Fix (2024)

Spending a day without encountering a QR Code in one form or another is nearly impossible. Be it a contactless menu card in a restaurant, an app on your phone, an advertisem*nt in the subway, or even on a concert ticket, QR codes have nested deep into our lives and how we interact with information.

With so much ease and functionality bundled into such a simple interface, it's understandable why QR codes have gained such ubiquity. However, what if the QR code is not working? Undoubtedly, it is a frustrating twist, threatening to ruin a seamless marketing campaign or a user's digital journey.

When instances of a QR code not working increase, it becomes more than a minor inconvenience.

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the various reasons why a QR code might not work, including some that you might not have thought of before. But not to worry, we've got your back!

We'll delve into the specifics of each reason and provide tailor-made solutions to debug your QR code issues and get you back on track swiftly.

So, join us as we take you through this troubleshooting journey to fix your QR code not working issues, ensuring you a smoother and hassle-free digital experience. All set? Let's get started!

Understanding QR Code Scanning Problems

Have you ever found yourself staring at a phone screen, struggling to scan a QR code, and wondering what could be wrong?

Don't worry; you're not alone.

Excellent news – we will dive into common QR Scanning issues that may result in the 'QR code not working' error and how to circumnavigate around them.

Reasons Why Your QR Code May Not Be Working

Recognizing why a QR code problem arises is the first step to address the issue. Let's explore common culprits:

  • Inverted QR Code Colors: A typical QR code is black patterns on a white background. An inverted QR code with white patterns on a black background may pose a problem for some scanning applications.
  • QR Code Is Blurry: A clear and sharp image is vital for a QR code scanner to interpret the embedded information accurately. A blurry QR code can challenge the scanning process, making it impossible to extract the data.
  • QR Code Too Small to Scan: While the compactness of a QR code is part of its charm, if it's too small, the scanning app may fail to recognize it.
  • Poor QR Code Contrast: The contrast between the QR code and its background counts. A poor contrast, such as light gray patterns on a white background, may cause the scanning application to malfunction.

QR Code Placement and Usability Issues

We can't undermine the importance of how and where a QR Code is placed.

  • Incorrect Placement of QR Code: If your QR code is placed where it's hard to scan or falls on a folded or curved surface, it may not yield a successful scan.
  • Overcrowding the QR Code: Cramming too much data into a small QR code can lead to readability issues. A crowded QR code can be challenging to scan.
  • QR Code Sync with the Background: A QR code that blends into the background may escape the notice of potential scanners or be difficult to read by scanning applications.

Encoded Data and Link Mistakes

It's counterproductive when a QR code leads to a journey filled with dead ends and potholes.

  • Incorrect Data Entry: A mistake in the data linked to a QR code means whoever scans it will not reach the intended destination.
  • Leading to a Broken Link: If the QR code-embedded URL leads to a page that no longer exists or is not working, it's a classic case of a 'QR code not working.'
  • Over Customization of the QR Code: Sometimes, in making the QR code align with the brand's aesthetic, we may heavily customize it, causing scanning issues.

QR Code Use and Validity

Even the most beautifully designed and correctly encoded QR code won't work if it has expired or is disabled.

  • Expired QR Code: Some QR codes, like time-bound promotions or coupons, may have an expiry date. Once expired, they will no longer redirect users.
  • Disabled QR Code Campaign: If the campaign or promo associated with the QR code gets disabled, the QR code becomes void.
  • Display Issues: Sometimes, QR codes may not display correctly on certain platforms. A QR Code not showing in Gmail or other platforms can prevent the user from scanning it.

Solutions and Tips for Common QR Code Problems

Now that we have uncovered why your 'QR code is not working,' let's navigate our way to the solutions. They are easier than you think!

Tactical Solutions

Crafting a successful QR code requires some precision and forethought. Here are a few tactical solutions to counter common QR code problems:

  • Ensure Correct Colors: A typical QR code comprises black patterns against a white background. Stick to this color scheme to avoid issues with code recognition. If you are experimenting with colors, make sure to choose high-contrast hues.
  • QR Code Sizing: While QR codes are known for compactness, too small can make scanning difficult. Keep your QR code size adequate for the scanning application to recognize. While there's no hard and fast rule for this, a 2 x 2 cm should serve most practical purposes.
  • Proper Placement of QR Code: Remember, your QR code needs to be easily visible and accessible for scanning. Do not put it in obscure corners or curved surfaces, which might compromise scanability. So, display them in areas easily accessible to the audience.
  • Check Data Entry: Ensure that the information or link you embed in the QR code is correct. Even a minuscule mistake in the URL or data can disrupt the user journey. Check and double-check before you finalize your QR code.

Technical Solutions

Adopting a few technical estrangements can help alleviate scanning issues:

  • Address Broken Links: Always review your embedded links to ensure they are in good working condition. Nothing disappoints a user more than a QR code leading to a dead-end.
  • Avoid QR Code Over Customization: While aligning the QR code with your brand's aesthetic is tempting, forceful customization often leads to recognition issues. Abide by the standard QR layout to uphold its readability.
  • Test the QR Code Regularly: Always check its functionality on multiple devices before making it public. Apart from identifying if the code leads to the desired platform, this step verifies if the code is readable across different screen sizes and resolutions.

Validity and Usability

Lastly, keeping tabs on the QR code's validity and usability can ensure problem-free interaction:

  • Update Expired QR Codes: If your QR codes are time-bound (like for a seasonal sale or promotional offer), update or remove them once they have expired. An expired QR code leads to a non-productive user interaction.
  • Enable the QR Code Campaign: If the campaign or promotion associated with the QR code is no longer functional, provide a new working QR code instead. Facilitate a clear path for your audience to reach their intended destination.
  • Check Display Across Different Platforms: Ensure that your QR codes are visible on different platforms, be Gmail, a blog page, or an e-newsletter. QR codes may appear differently across different platforms or devices, so verifying their visibility is crucial.


In essence, solving QR code problems requires a blend of careful planning, checking standard guidelines, and regular testing. With these corrective measures in place, the frustrating 'QR code not working' scenario can be eliminated, paving the way for a smooth and successful QR code utilization.

Exploring Specific Scenarios: When QR Code Stopped Working on iPhone and Android

Every smartphone user can familiarize themselves with the annoyance of an unscanned QR code. One of the most common complaints from iPhone and Android users is the 'QR code not working' glitch.

Your iPhone or Android phone may sometimes find it challenging to decrypt the QR code black and white grid, resulting in the dreaded 'QR code not working.' This could be due to multiple reasons. Let's explain some plausible reasons and provide solutions if your QR code is not working on iPhone and Android.

Why QR Code is Not Working on iPhone?

Your concern is legitimate if you are an Apple user and your QR code has ceased to work. Here are some possible reasons:

  • Camera App Not Reading the QR Code: iPhones facilitate QR Code scanning through the native Camera app. If your iPhone camera fails to register a QR code, a possible issue could be the QR code's quality or the photo settings of your iPhone.
  • Poor Internet Connectivity: Poor Internet connectivity often interrupts the scanning process for QR codes that link to web pages.
  • Unsupported iPhone Model: Older iPhone models may not effectively work with QR codes due to outdated infrastructure.

So, how do you get your QR code back in action on your iPhone? Here are some workable solutions:

  • Make Use of QR Code Reader Apps: If the in-built camera app in your iPhone struggles with decoding QR codes, consider downloading a trusted QR code reader app from the App Store. These reader apps are specifically designed for smooth QR code scanning.


You can also use the QR Code Reader tool of QRCodeDynamic to decode QR codes.

  • Adjust Camera Settings: On your iPhone, go to Settings > Camera. Ensure that the toggle Switch beside "Scan QR codes" is in green, indicating it's turned on.
  • Check Your Internet Connectivity: A steady Wi-Fi or mobile data connection is key when scanning QR codes redirecting you to a webpage or an online database.
  • Update Your iOS System: Always use the latest iOS version. If you're using an older version, consider updating it for a hassle-free experience.

Why is QR Code Not Working on Android?

If you're on the Android side of the aisle, you may also encounter the 'QR code not working' issue. Here are possible reasons:

  • In-Built Camera App Inefficient: Some Android phones facilitate QR code scanning using the native Camera app. Issues may arise if the Android phone cannot interpret the QR code data.
  • Unsupported Android Version or Model: If your phone model is old or the Android version is outdated, QR code scanning could be a tall order.
  • Internet Connectivity Issues: As with iPhones, poor internet connectivity can impede QR code scanning on Android phones, especially when the QR code redirects to an online platform.

Here are tips on how to make your QR code work on an Android phone:

  • Download a QR Code Reader: A dedicated QR code reader app from the Google Play Store can often solve the issue. Trusted ones like BarCode Scanner or QR & Barcode Reader can be useful.
  • Ensure Stable Internet Connection: Similar to the solution for iPhones, checking if your mobile data or Wi-Fi is stable can eliminate many QR code scanning issues.
  • Update Android Version: An outdated Android version may lag in QR code scanning efficiency. Always keep your device updated to the latest Android version.
  • Disable VPN: Using a VPN on your Android device may hamper the QR code scanning process. Temporarily disabling the VPN could solve the problem.


Both iPhone and Android users can adopt an effortless mix of standard practices and utilize specific tools or applications to rectify QR code scanning issues. By ensuring your smartphone settings are updated, the right scanning tools are in place, and a robust internet link backs up the process, the 'QR code not working on Android' or iPhone predicament can be efficiently addressed. Better days of seamless QR code scanning lie ahead!

Case-Specific QR Code Scanning Issues and Fixes

Different QR codes serve distinctively varied purposes. Swiping a seamless movie ticket booking or confirming your digital presence for an online meeting, QR Codes have become an integral part of digital life.

However, like other tools, QR Codes can present problems, and that's when understanding their issues and fixes comes in handy.

Dwelling further into the 'QR code not working' phenomenon, we dive into specific scenarios, starting with WhatsApp and Discord QR Code problems.

Reasons Why WhatsApp and Discord QR Code Not Working

Whatsapp and Discord are popular applications heavily reliant on QR code scans for various functions.

Whether authorizing the WhatsApp web version or joining a Discord channel, you need to scan a QR code.

However, there can be frustrating instances when these QR Codes fail to deliver.

Let's look into the issues and solutions.

Whatsapp QR Code Not Working

Radically simplifying communication worldwide, Whatsapp relies on QR codes to make logging into their web version a breeze. However, sometimes users experience the 'Whatsapp QR code not working' issue. Several factors could contribute to this dilemma.

  • Poor Internet Connection: Whatsapp QR code may not work if you have unstable or weak internet connectivity.
  • Outdated Whatsapp Version: If you're using an outdated version of the app, this could cause QR code scanning issues.
  • Browser Problems: If the browser you're using to access Whatsapp Web is outdated or has saved corrupted cookies or cache, you can face the 'QR Code not working' problem.

Let's talk solutions.

  • Maintain a steady internet connection on both your mobile device and your computer.
  • Update your Whatsapp application to the latest version available.
  • Update your web browser to its latest version, and clear your browser's cache and cookies.
  • Ensure you're scanning the QR code properly. Position your phone correctly, and ensure good lighting conditions for maximum scan efficiency.
On doing these, the Whatsapp QR code should be up and running again, letting you enjoy the chat on a larger screen.

Discord QR Code Not Working

Discord, an application favored by streaming enthusiasts and communities alike, uses QR codes to facilitate easy login and sharing of invite links. But when the Discord QR code stops working, it disrupts the smooth user experience, leaving many puzzled. Let's pinpoint a few possible reasons:

  • Login-related issues: Discord may not allow QR code scanning if you're already logged into the account on another device or have a VPN enabled.
  • Camera problems: The QR code may not register if your device camera is blurry.
  • Browser or Device glitches: Whether the browser cookie settings are outdated or your device is unresponsive, both can contribute to the 'QR code not working.'

Now, let's get to the remedying part.

  • Try logging out of other devices where you're using Discord and then retry scanning the QR code.
  • If your device camera is blurry, clean it or adjust the focus and try scanning the code again.
  • Update your device and browser settings or try opening Discord in incognito mode or on a different browser.

With these quick fixes, the 'discord QR code not working' problem should be history.

In the case of both Whatsapp and Discord, as well as other applications, understanding the issues with the QR code and applying the right solutions can ensure a seamless user experience.


Remember, every QR Code problem has a solution, and the key lies in understanding and adopting the appropriate fixes. So don't get disheartened if your 'QR Code is not working.' Debugging is an ongoing process, and as we continue to explore and adapt, we fortify our problem-solving skills. So, let's keep scanning and stay digitally competent.

Final Words

As we end this extensive guide, it's time for some retrospection and forward-thinking. We went through several common and specific QR Code-related problems and developed easy-to-implement solutions.

By understanding the underlying reasons behind the QR code not working issues, we aim to empower our readers to troubleshoot these problems independently and efficiently.

The objective of this guide was not merely to present quick fixes to common problems but to foster a deeper understanding of how QR Codes work, what hinders their functioning, and the befitting solutions.

From general issues like poor contrast or small size of the codes to platform-specific problems like QR Code not working on Android or iPhone, we went deep into the roots, offering effective and simple remedies.

We wish you smooth digital encounters, seamless QR code scans, and a journey free of 'QR code not working' roadblocks. Keep scanning, keep learning, and remember, in the vastness of digital technology, there are no hiccups that cannot be solved. You've got this!
Top Reasons Why Your QR Code is Not Working & How to Fix (2024)


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