Securing Your Discord Account (2024)

Account Security

The first step towards securing the server you moderate is securing your own Discord account. Your first line of defense is a strong and unique password. Some characteristics of strong passwords include:

  • Length - Longer passwords are harder to guess
  • A mix of character types - Including numbers, symbols, lowercase, and uppercase letters make the password harder to guess
  • Uniqueness - Avoid reusing passwords you are using on other sites. If those sites are compromised, it could also compromise your Discord password

You can also use a random password generator or a password manager to create a completely random password that will be nearly impossible to guess, but difficult to remember. Another option is to combine several random words together. The key, though, is that the words need to be completely random. Using a tool to help select words at random from the dictionary is a good way to help ensure their randomness.

Once you have a strong password, you should also enable two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA. 2FA ensures that even if someone manages to guess your password, they won’t be able to get into your account without access to the device where the 2FA app is. You can also enable 2FA via SMS and receive your authentication code via text message. However, SMS 2FA is less secure than application-based 2FA because text messages can be intercepted or your phone number could be stolen. Although the chance of this is still low, you should still avoid enabling the SMS backup for this reason if possible.

You also need to make sure the devices where your Discord account is logged in and the device that has your 2FA app are physically secure. Make sure your computer is password protected and locked when you are physically away from it. If you use a public computer, make sure that you use incognito mode on the web browser to ensure that your Discord information is removed when you close the browser. For a phone or tablet, require a PIN code to unlock it so that it can’t be used by strangers.

Now that your account is nice and secure, there is one more thing you must closely monitor to ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands: yourself.

Securing Your Discord Account (1)

Avoiding Social Engineering Attacks

The weakest link in any cybersecurity system is usually a human, and the security of your Discord account is no exception. Social engineering is the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes. People attempting to gain access to your Discord account may attempt to get you to log into a fake site, download a malicious file, or click on a suspicious link. Being able to identify these actions and avoiding potential pitfalls is an important part of keeping your account (and the servers you moderate) safe.

One of the most common and dangerous scams on Discord is a user or a bot sending out a direct message with a QR code saying that you should scan the QR code with Discord’s QR code scanner for free nitro. This will generally be combined with instructions on how to access and use Discord’s QR code scanner. However, it is important to remember that Discord's QR code scanner is only used to log in to Discord. Scanning the given QR code will allow that attacker to directly log into your account, bypassing your password and any 2FA you may have configured. If you accidentally scan a suspicious QR code, you should immediately change your password as this will invalidate your current account token and log you out of all devices.You can also report any such scams directly to Discord Trust and Safety for further action. For more information on making reports, check out this article.

Another common attack is to encourage you to click on a link that redirects to a fake Discord website. Before clicking on any links from a user, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the sender a stranger?
  • Is this message unexpected?
  • Does the message imply urgency or promise something as a reward (e.g., “If you don’t do this in the next five days, your Discord account will be deleted”)
  • Are they asking me to perform a suspicious/sensitive action (e.g., download a file, log in to a website)

If you find that the answer to many of the above questions is “yes”, you should avoid performing whatever action they are requesting. You can also check any suspicious-looking URLs with various URL checkers, such as this one.

If the user is specifically asking you to click on a link that prompts you to log in to Discord, another option you have is to navigate directly to in your web browser and log in from there. If clicking on the user’s link still takes you to a login page, double check the URL of the website. One thing you’ll want to check is if the website starts with https:// instead of http:, or that there is a lock next to the beginning of the URL. Although some fake sites may still have an https:// designation, many of them will not. Other signs may be slight misspellings of the URL or visual tricks such as or with a lowercase “l” instead of an “i”. If you notice any of these signs, it is highly likely that it is not actually Discord’s website and instead a fake website intended to trick you into entering your login credentials so that it can steal your account.

Securing Your Discord Account (2)

Securing Your Discord Account (3)


Creating a strong password, enabling 2FA, and following best practices for physical device security are the first steps towards keeping your Discord account secure. However, there may be people that try to trick you into giving access to your Discord account through various scams or other social engineering attacks. Being able to spot suspicious messages and users and being cautious when encountering strange links or files is another important part of keeping your account safe. Of course, anyone that is able to illicitly gain access to a moderator account on your server still has the potential to do great harm, such as banning users and deleting messages, channels, and roles. Be sure to share this information with the other moderators on your server so that you can each do your part to keep your community safe by keeping your accounts secure.

Securing Your Discord Account (5)

Securing Your Discord Account (6)

Securing Your Discord Account (7)

Securing Your Discord Account (8)

Securing Your Discord Account (9)

Securing Your Discord Account (10)


User Safety

Securing Your Discord Account (2024)


How do you secure your Discord username? ›

Creating a strong password, enabling 2FA, and following best practices for physical device security are the first steps towards keeping your Discord account secure. However, there may be people that try to trick you into giving access to your Discord account through various scams or other social engineering attacks.

How do you stay secure on Discord? ›

Stay Safe Using Discord
  1. Four Steps to a Safer Account | Discord Safety. Use strong passwords and enable multi-factor authentication. Review your privacy settings and sensitive media filters. Beware of phishing and suspicious links and files. Block and report suspicious users.
  2. Disable Auto-embed Display of Images.

What is a strong password for Discord? ›

We will not accept passwords that are less than 8 characters. Be sure to use a secure password that you don't use anywhere else. Longer passwords are usually more secure than passwords with more symbols, numbers, or cases of letters.

How is Discord secure? ›

How secure is Discord? Discord uses industry-standard encryption to protect your conversations. It also has taken some measures to detect and prevent hacking attempts. But, like with any online platform, there's always a risk of malicious activity, and Discord also saw some darker days.

What is a secure username? ›

To create a safe username: Personal Information: Avoid using any personal information such as your real name, date of birth, or address as part of your username. Passwords or PINs: Do not use your passwords, PINs or other sensitive information as your username.

Can people see my old Discord username? ›

To help everyone identify their friends during the transition, users will have their old username with the discriminator added to their user profile under a new profile badge. To see someone's old username, hover your mouse over the new badge on their profile.

Is Discord safe from hackers? ›

What risks and concerns does Discord pose? Discord users face a variety of threats, from bullying and exposure to explicit content to malware and phishing scams. Because the site allows users to post and message links to other webpages, hackers can easily spread links to servers where malicious software is housed.

Can someone get your information through Discord? ›

Webhooks allow third parties to send messages to a Discord channel. Hackers can use them to create URLs to send messages. Webhooks are a popular method to withdraw data from a hacked user device. A hacker can sync webhooks with a corrupted system and extract the stolen data via Discord.

How to set up a secure Discord? ›

Here are some ways to protect your Discord server from scams and hackers.
  1. User role permissions.
  2. Server-wide and channel-specific permissions:
  3. Server and channel invites.
  4. Regularly review and update your server's security measures:
  5. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  6. Enable Single-Sign-On (SSO)
Feb 15, 2023

What is a cute password? ›

Combine ‌your favorite animal with your favorite color like this: ‌PandaBlue23! Create ​a “song lyric password” like this: SipsLemonade! Incorporate a meaningful quote or ⁣phrase like ‌this: ​ThinkHappiness!

Why is Discord 17+? ›

Discord's Terms of Service requires people to be over a minimum age to access our app or website, so we are introducing a system to verify that users satisfy that minimum age requirement. We do this to keep our users safe and ensure they don't encounter material that's not appropriate for them.

Is Discord ok for 12 year olds? ›

Common Sense Media also recommends that Discord users be at least 13 due to its open chat. Because it's all user-generated, there's the potential for plenty of inappropriate content, like swearing and graphic language and images (though it's entirely possible to belong to a group that forbids these).

Are Discord chats private? ›

A Direct Message (or DM for short, sometimes referred to as a Private Message or PM) is a message directly from the sender to the recipient, not connected to any server. DMs cannot be viewed by anyone except the sender and the recipient, and exist in a special channel for this purpose.

How do I make my Discord username private? ›

As we know Discord doesn't provide a built-in feature to make your name invisible on your profile but by some tips and tricks, we can make it possible. All you have to do is enter a special character “˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞ ” tilde in the Display name box and your name will be invisible.

Is it safe to share your Discord username? ›

People should never disclose someone's personal information except their own in an appropriate environment, as disclosing others' info can be treated as doxxing, which is a disclosure of personal info by a third party (for example, someone posting another user's address), and can, in some instances, be actioned on by ...

Who can see my Discord username? ›

Keep in mind that even if you're going incognito with another nickname, anyone can still click on your User Profile and see your true Discord Username.

How do I add security to Discord? ›

Open Discord, go to your settings by tapping on the logo in the bottom right-hand corner. Then, tap Privacy and Safety. Under 'Safe Direct Messaging', choose from either Keep me safe, My friends are nice or Do not scan. Discord automatically scans and delete direct messages you receive that contain explicit material.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.