Beneath Us All (2023) (2025)

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Directed by Harley Wallen


Julie is a foster child heading for her 18th birthday when she finds something buried with something unspeakable inside.

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Sean Whalen Maria Olsen Yan Birch Kaiti Wallen Harley Wallen Angelina Danielle Cama Michael James Alexander


Harley Wallen


Joe Williamson


Bret Miller


Painted Creek Productions





Alternative Title

Нечто под нами



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21 Sep 2023
  • Beneath Us All (2023) (3)USA

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Beneath Us All (2023) (4)USA
21 Sep 2023
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91mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

  • Review by Bartu

    Julie: I hate my foster parents, they always treat me shity and torture my siblings. They don't care about us, they just want the money. Therefore, I'm going to feed the medieval viking vampire that I found in a buried grave in the woods behind our house, make him love me and then let him turn me into a vampire, so that I can eat my foster parents.

    It was one of the shittiest vampire movies I've ever seen. Terrible script, horrendous acting, awful vampire teeth, shitty ending, a disgraceful movie.

  • Review by Luke Thorne ★★

    Harley Wallen’s horror in which a soon-to-be 18-year-old foster child blunders upon a Yggdrasil pendant and accidentally lets out a nasty presence.

    The story concerns a foster child heading for her 18th birthday when she discovers something buried with something terrifying inside, and it isn’t long before it becomes a battle for survival for her and her family.

    Angelina Danielle Cama gives an okay performance in her role as Julie, the young woman approaching the beginning of her adult years but doesn’t show a great deal of determination in terms of what to do with herself, which makes it frustrating for the viewer.

    Elsewhere, Sean Whalen as Todd Gibbs, Maria Olsen as Janelle Gibbs, Yan Birch as Frey, Kaiti Wallen…

  • Review by Justin 1

    I tried but couldn’t finish it. So won’t rate it. Can’t recommend but from what I’ve been reading online, there’s an audience for it. I’m glad. As much as I may occasionally go crazy about some movies, I will almost always support people going out there and doing what I’ve always dreamt of even if it doesn’t work for me.

  • Review by TheyMostlyComeAtNight ★½

    A fostered teenage girl is looked after by very unsuitable foster parents, and whilst out walking in the woods, she discovers a pendant that inadvertently released a long-buried evil back into the world. Under the scrutiny of a caring social services representative, she misguidedly aids this presence, which spells trouble for herself and those all around her. It feels more like a midday TV drama than anything else, especially given its 'soap opera' level of acting. A sub-par, lightweight horror movie with no bite.

  • Review by Chris Kirkham

    A medieval viking vampire falls afoul of the lackadaisical US foster care system. Kind of like if Rob Zombie chugged a quart of cough medicine and then tried to make an ABC Afterschool Special.

  • Review by JamesFearX ★★½

    Kid "there's something outside"
    Olsen "you go get'em"
    Whalen downs beer, grabs shotgun
    A crazy and wacky tale you've seen before but no spoilers

  • Review by EricYvon ★★★

    I knew nothing about the plot going in so I was a bit let down that the threat was something we’ve seen countless times before. Despite that,Beneath Us Allis a very decent version of a familiar tale elevated by its brooding tone, strong direction and the performances of Whelan and Olsen.

  • Review by David Breen ½

    Absolute Muck, Poor acting, Script ridiculously bad and cliche of a story. 90 mins I'm never getting back

  • Review by HHREVIEW ★★½

    A for effort!
    I love Sean Whalen in this.
    Otherwise… slightly Beneath average movie

  • Review by MoVieManKev ★½

    Beneath Us All (2023)
    Prime Video in both US and UK; Tubi in Canada
    Fantasy Horror

    Had higher hopes for this as the last time the writer and director teamed up we were gifted with the impressive "Ash and Bone". Sadly this boring, badly paced fangless claptrap.

    Still hopeful that the next collab won't be beneath us all, but this one doesn't foster much goodwill

  • Review by NURULLAH


  • Review by Nik Caesar ★★½

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Mom, someone buried a a vampire Viking in the backyard! It reminded me of Full Moon's Subspecies series, kinda crappy, kinda charming. 2.5 donuts out of 5.

Beneath Us All (2023) (2025)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Views: 5400

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.